
Coachable - A Newsletter

By Dan Mickle | Mental Performance Coach

Coachable is an essential newsletter designed for athletes, parents, and coaches, providing valuable strategies and resources for optimizing mental performance, unlocking potential, and achieving peak athletic success.

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Well....That Sucked! (Coachable Newsletter - 6/2/23)

Well, that sucked. That is a phrase we hear a lot in the coaching (and athletics) world. Sadly, that was my thought right after I hit publish on the last newsletter. A very good friend of mine (she will probably choke when she reads that description) called me out on it. She said it lacked my personal touch, my essence, and my soul (ok, maybe not in those words exactly). In a world of unlimited research materials, AI, and experts at our fingertips, we can lose sight of who we really are and...

12 months ago • 6 min read

DANMICKLE.COM PODCASTS BLOG YOUTUBE COACHING Welcome to the first Coachable newsletter. I must admit, I have been all over the place on the concept of this. I wanted to create something for “everyone” but realized that is most likely not possible. So that is when I thought why not talk about things (coaching, education, skills, etc.) in general, then give some insight for all the stakeholders (coaches, players, and parents). We can all be coachable, regardless of our role, so that is where we...

12 months ago • 7 min read
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