Hey reader! I just wanted a pickle. Nothing hard. Nothing complex. I grabbed the jar, expecting a quick twist and snack. But apparently, Hercules himself had closed it. I tried everything—gripping tighter, using a towel for traction, even that awkward under-the-arm torque move. Nothing. Full effort, veins popping, borderline rage. I was one step away from smashing it open when I decided to put it down and walk away. Five minutes later, I came back. Poof. Like magic, the lid twisted right off....
11 days ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader! I woke up this morning, and as soon as I stepped outside, the cold hit me like a brick wall. It was dark, I was tired, and all I could think was, “I don’t want to do this today.” I get it. Some days, it feels easier to just stay cozy inside, ignore the world, and not face whatever’s out there. But I’ve learned something over the years: it’s those very moments of discomfort that hold the key to growth. And it got me thinking... How often do I try to avoid discomfort? How many times...
18 days ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader! I have lived on the same road since 1979. That means I’ve been taking the same route, making the same left turn onto the main road for over four decades. I could do it blindfolded (but didn’t, because, you know, laws). It was perfect—a quick left, on my way, no hassle. Until they changed the traffic pattern. Now, I can’t turn left anymore. Nope. My once-efficient route has been stolen from me, replaced with some convoluted "loop around and turn right" nonsense. It adds maybe a...
25 days ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader! So there I was, craving some quick, greasy, regret-laden fast food because, clearly, I make excellent life choices. I roll up to the drive-thru, place my order, and—miracle of miracles—everything seems to be running smoothly. Then, disaster strikes. The employee hands me my drinks and hits me with the dreaded, "Can you just pull forward and wait?" Fantastic. Because nothing says "fast food" like parking in a numbered slot and contemplating my life choices while my ice melts into a...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader! I lost my headphones for the millionth time. Naturally, everyone had the same oh-so-helpful advice: “Where was the last place you had them?” If I knew that, I wouldn’t be looking for them, right? The frustration started building as I rifled through drawers, bags, and every corner of the house where random single socks and rogue Tupperware lids mysteriously gather. Just as I was ready to give up, I took a step back, let out a deep breath, and relaxed. That’s when I found them—in a...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader! I recently forgot a doctor’s appointment, even though they sent me five reminders. Notifications have become such a constant in our lives that, ironically, they seem to have lost their urgency. It’s as if the very thing designed to help us stay on track is now part of the noise we’ve learned to tune out. ...and that got me thinking. We live in a world of constant reminders. Our phones buzz, our watches ping, and even our email systems throw pop-ups at us—all in an effort to keep...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Hey Reader! I was driving the other week when Tom Petty’s “Free Fallin” (1989) came on the radio. The strange part is that my mind went right to another song—David Lee Roth’s “Just Like Paradise” (1988). The strange part is that it always happens with those two songs. And, of course, it got me thinking….. I know it is a strange thing to take a lot of time and energy to waste on, but I wanted to explore this deeper. After a few days, the answer randomly came to me. Back in the early 90’s, I...
about 2 months ago • 5 min read
Hey Reader! Today marks the start of a new year, 2025. And well, that got me thinking. In recent years, I have struggled with content creation. I felt like I always had a great start to a story or video, but never enough that was worthy of your (my audience's) attention. I can’t tell you how many podcasts, videos, and blogs have gone in the recycle bin in the last year, solely because I felt like I was wasting your precious time. My goal has always been to provide value in exchange for the...
2 months ago • 6 min read