
Coachable - A Newsletter

Coachable - The Newsletter (5/28/23)

Published 12 months ago • 7 min read

Welcome to the first Coachable newsletter. I must admit, I have been all over the place on the concept of this. I wanted to create something for “everyone” but realized that is most likely not possible. So that is when I thought why not talk about things (coaching, education, skills, etc.) in general, then give some insight for all the stakeholders (coaches, players, and parents). We can all be coachable, regardless of our role, so that is where we are. A topic each week and them some tips and insight for all the stakeholders. Enjoy and feel free to share and forward to those who may not be on the list. There is also an archive of all the newsletters that will be at I have decided to kick it off with goal setting, since that was the topic of the last email I responded to.

Goal setting is an essential practice for athletes as it provides a clear direction and purpose for their training and competition. Some of the key benefits of goal setting for athletes:

1. Motivation and Focus: Setting goals gives athletes something to strive for and helps to maintain motivation throughout their training and competition. It provides a sense of purpose and direction, allowing them to stay focused on their desired outcomes.

2. Clarity and Vision: Goals create a clear vision of what athletes want to achieve. By setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, athletes can break down their larger aspirations into smaller, manageable steps. This clarity helps them make informed decisions and prioritize their efforts.

3. Enhanced Performance: Setting challenging but realistic goals push athletes to improve their performance. Goals provide a benchmark against which athletes can measure their progress, identify areas for improvement, and track their development over time. This process encourages athletes to continuously strive for excellence.

4. Increased Self-Confidence: Achieving goals, especially those that require hard work and dedication, boosts athletes' self-confidence. Each successful goal accomplishment reinforces their belief in their abilities and strengthens their mental resilience, leading to improved performance in future endeavors.

5. Improved Planning and Organization: Goal setting necessitates athletes to plan their training, practice, and competition schedules effectively. This structured approach enhances their time management skills and helps them make the most of their available resources. It also allows athletes to track their progress and make adjustments as needed.

6. Accountability and Commitment: Setting goals makes athletes accountable for their actions and progress. By publicly stating their objectives or sharing them with coaches, teammates, or support networks, athletes create a sense of commitment and responsibility. This external accountability can serve as a powerful motivator and help them stay on track.

7. Overcoming Obstacles: Goals often come with challenges and obstacles that athletes must overcome to achieve success. The process of setting goals teaches athletes resilience, problem-solving skills, and the ability to adapt in the face of setbacks. These qualities are valuable not only in sports but also in other areas of life.

Overall, goal setting provides athletes with direction, motivation, focus, and a systematic approach to improving their performance. By setting meaningful goals and working diligently towards them, athletes can maximize their potential and achieve long-term success in their chosen sport.

For the Coaches

Coaches play a crucial role in helping athletes with goal setting. They facilitate goal exploration, guide athletes in setting SMART goals, break goals into milestones, and take an individualized approach. Coaches regularly review and adjust goals, create a supportive environment, collaborate with athletes, and integrate mindset and mental skills training. By providing guidance, feedback, and support, coaches empower athletes to clarify their aspirations, stay motivated, track progress, overcome obstacles, and ultimately achieve their goals while fostering personal growth. Here are some ways coaches can support athletes in this process:

1. Facilitate Goal Exploration: Coaches can initiate discussions with athletes to understand their aspirations, both short-term and long-term. By asking open-ended questions and actively listening, coaches can help athletes clarify their goals, identify their priorities, and explore what they genuinely want to achieve.

2. Individualized Approach: Each athlete is unique, with different strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. Coaches should take an individualized approach and work closely with athletes to understand their specific needs. By considering athletes' abilities, training schedules, and personal circumstances, coaches can tailor goals to match each athlete's situation and potential.

3. Supportive Environment: Coaches can create a supportive and positive environment where athletes feel comfortable sharing their goals and discussing their progress. By fostering open communication, coaches can provide guidance, encouragement, and constructive feedback. They can celebrate athletes' successes and help them navigate any obstacles or setbacks they may encounter.

For the Players

Athletes can contribute to their own goal setting by engaging in self-reflection, defining personal aspirations, setting specific and measurable goals, breaking goals into actionable steps, creating a timeline, visualizing success, seeking feedback and support, monitoring and adjusting goals, and maintaining self-discipline and commitment. By actively participating in the goal setting process and taking ownership of their objectives, athletes empower themselves to drive their performance, stay motivated, and achieve desired outcomes in their sport. Here are some ways athletes can contribute to their goal setting:

1. Self-Reflection: Athletes can engage in self-reflection to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement. By evaluating their performance and identifying areas they want to develop, athletes can gain insights that inform their goal setting process.

2. Define Personal Aspirations: Athletes should clarify their personal aspirations and what they truly want to achieve in their sport. This involves setting both short-term and long-term goals that align with their passions, values, and desired outcomes.

3. Seek Feedback and Support: Athletes should actively seek feedback from coaches, teammates, or mentors. They can discuss their goals, progress, and challenges with others who can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights. Collaboration with others can enhance goal setting and increase the chances of success.

For the Parents

Parents can assist their athletes with goal setting by encouraging self-exploration, providing a supportive environment, promoting realistic goals, teaching goal-setting skills, fostering independence and ownership, celebrating achievements, collaborating with coaches, offering resources and opportunities, encouraging resilience and a growth mindset, and emphasizing balance and well-being. By providing guidance, support, and resources while nurturing their athletes' autonomy and growth, parents can play a vital role in helping their athletes navigate the goal setting process and achieve success in sports while maintaining overall well-being. Here are some ways parents can assist:

1. Encourage Self-Exploration: Parents can encourage their athletes to explore their interests, passions, and aspirations in sports. By having open conversations, parents can help athletes discover their own goals and aspirations, ensuring that the goals set are aligned with the athlete's own desires and motivations.

2. Foster Independence and Ownership: Parents should encourage their athletes to take ownership of their goals. While support and guidance are important, athletes should have a sense of autonomy in setting and pursuing their objectives. This promotes self-motivation, accountability, and personal growth.

3. Balance and Well-Being: Parents should emphasize the importance of balance and well-being. Help athletes understand that goals should not come at the expense of their physical and mental health. Encourage them to maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage their time effectively, and find joy in the process of pursuing their goals.

As I bring this edition of the newsletter to a close, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the combined efforts of coaches, players, and parents in cultivating a culture of effective goal setting for athletes. Coaches serve as guiding lights, imparting their expertise and experience to athletes, helping them navigate the intricate path of goal setting. They provide invaluable support, offering insights, feedback, and strategies to help athletes set meaningful goals, break them down into actionable steps, and monitor their progress along the way. With their guidance, coaches empower athletes to overcome obstacles, persist in the face of challenges, and continually strive for improvement.

At the heart of the goal-setting process, players play a pivotal role. They engage in introspection, digging deep to discover their true passions, aspirations, and potential. Through self-reflection, they gain a clearer understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. Armed with this self-awareness, players actively participate in setting their own goals, both short-term and long-term. They envision the future they desire and commit themselves to the pursuit of excellence. With determination and dedication, athletes take ownership of their journey, utilizing their talents and working diligently to achieve their objectives.

However, the journey of goal setting does not rest solely on the shoulders of athletes and coaches. Parents, too, play an integral role in supporting their young athletes. They create a nurturing and supportive environment, where open communication and understanding thrive. Parents encourage their children to explore their passions and aspirations, fostering an atmosphere of self-discovery. They provide unwavering support, cheering from the sidelines, lending a listening ear, and offering words of encouragement. Moreover, parents teach valuable skills such as resilience, time management, and a growth mindset, equipping athletes with the mental tools needed to face challenges head-on and persist in the pursuit of their goals.

Together, coaches, players, and parents form a united front, united by the common goal of helping athletes thrive. Through collaboration and mutual understanding, they create a synergistic relationship that propels athletes towards success. This collective effort lays the foundation for personal growth, character development, and lifelong skills that extend far beyond the realm of sports.

As I conclude, let us celebrate the power of collaboration and the impact it has on athletes. By fostering effective goal setting practices, coaches inspire greatness, players ignite their potential, and parents provide unwavering support. Together, we pave the way for athletes to embrace their dreams, surpass their own expectations, and embark on a transformative journey that will shape their lives both on and off the field.

Until next time, remember #OneDayOne. It is either One Day or Day One.

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Coachable Newsletter by Dan Mickle and 717 Soul, LLC | 185 Newberry Commons #298, Etters PA 17070 USA

Coachable - A Newsletter

By Dan Mickle | Mental Performance Coach

Coachable is an essential newsletter designed for athletes, parents, and coaches, providing valuable strategies and resources for optimizing mental performance, unlocking potential, and achieving peak athletic success.

Read more from Coachable - A Newsletter

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11 months ago • 6 min read
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